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Man is prisoner. With his narrow-mindedness, simbolized by narrow faces with grotesque physiognomy, squeezed into boxes, he is trapped in a cage. He had embelished and polished the cage, yet he does not know that it confines, narrows, restricts his spiritual horizon. The cages are open at the front and offer the possibility of an exit, the possibility of freedom, yet the prisoner does not get out. He remains trapped inbetween the polished walls of his golden cage, dourly and menacingly he stares at the outside world. And given he is no longer the master of his thoughts and wishes a dramatic turn had to occur. Man is no longer subject – the cage has become the subject.
… But his wife looked back and she became a pillar of stone. (Genesis 19:26)
Day by day, again and again, each of us is confronted with the same story. In our lives, countless, more or less distant events tempt us with their magic and fascination. Looking back into what had happened once and nursing a wish to change what cannot be changed, to repair what cannot be repaired, we are doomed to become petrified in the past, without any chance to revive in HERE and NOW.
This feeling was entangled in the cobweb of the artist’s sensibility, and it was moulded into a petrified story.
Flying… Ever since man was called into existence, he has burnt with desire to transcend the determined. He has made his way into the deepest depths and flown to unpredictable heights. He has been consumed by curiosity to reach the remotest corners of the universe. He has broken into the smallest particles and built the biggest objects. He has netted the world with informatics… There is only one flight of a bird inside man, the tragic flight of Icarus and at the same time the possibility of flying over the borderline on the horizon.